Firstly a huge thank you to all the friends who liked our facebook page. Our 50 likes give away was drawn and a lovely lucky lady won the prize.
So we have dedicated August to kitchens. As I have said before our kitchens are the hearts of our homes and we spend so much time here. It the first place we start our days making meals the last place we end our days with dinner or a cup of tea after our kiddies go to bed.
So I do believe that they not only need to be clean as we are cooking in there but also organised so that it makes our daily task in here go much smoother.
Now I know it does seem like a huge job to do but we have the whole of August to get this done and we can think of the end result and it makes it all worth it.
So where do we start? Lets talk about the different tasks we will do.
- Organise the cupboards : pots, plates and bowls, serving bowls, cutlery, under the sink, tupperware, pantry, baking, breakfast, napkins and table cloths
- How to clean our fridges and how often
- How to clean our deep freezer and how often
- Cleaning our dishwasher
- Lets go green and throw away the bad chemicals
- Meal planning and we can share our favorite recipes
- Lets try eat healthier and organic
- And whatever we find along the way that we think needs to be organised
So what do we need for now to start this project.
We will need baskets, our label maker ( only if you want ) and I am going to use some washi tape to make things pretty.
Jars, jars and more jars!!! I use so many as it looks neater and less messy to fill them up with your food.
A little hand book, we can make lists of what we need and what goals we want to make for our kitchen.
So ladies what do you think? Can we do this?
Tomorrow I am going to start on our baking section... I hope that you will all join me and will enjoy doing this.
I would love for you to send me photos and I can add them on my blog to inspire all the readers,
any photos of your beautiful kitchens, anything you have organised, any recipes or just tips that you have found work for you and your family.
email them to :
Have a wonderful day my friends.
Tanya xo