Saturday, 31 August 2013

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful fathers all over the world.

Today really is the day to celebrate just how wonderful these men are.
Fathers are very special in so many ways. They not only work hard to provide for us but they are so kind and patient, they spending quality time with our children and lets face it they put up a lot with us wives.

To my amazing husband I adore you, you are our children's best friend and favorite playmate.
You are the most patient and kind father I know. You dedicated your whole life to our children and I love you more and more everyday for that.
Our two babies are the luckiest in the world to have you, they have the best man to look up too.
You are a hero to us 3 and we love you to the moon and back.

And to my very special dad.  I am so lucky to have you in my life, you are not only my best friend but I have learnt so much from you, your kind heart is greater than no other.
I love that we chat 2 to 3 times a day about anything and everything. I love that we laugh and joke.
I have been blessed that you are more than just my dad.
And now mom is gone you have taken on both roles and you are doing a great job dad you really are.
I love you so much, forever and always.

To my grandfather in Zimbabwe and my one in heaven, to my husbands dad and his nonno a happy day to you all too! We are so blessed to have such wonderful men around us, our pillars and rocks without you our lives wouldn't be as strong, today we spoil you!

Love you all 

Tanya xo

And HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING! As I have written before September if my favorite month and always has been!! I can't wait to chat more about all the exciting things that come with this happy colorful month. x

Friday, 30 August 2013

Gift wrapping for Fathers Day

Weekend is here! And there is no better feeling. What are you plans? Sure most of you will be celebrating with your special Dads and your kids with their Dads.

These special men in our lives do so much for us and they look after us in many ways. So this is their one special day it can be all about them and we are able to spoil them!!

I have loved wrapping for my hubby this year, he deserves to be given the whole world but he wouldn't like that as he does not like the fuss, so we have bought him a few things we knew you needed and would love.
I found a very nice neutral colored wrapping paper and gone from there.

So as you can see I have used blue ribbon and brown twine to add that extra touch.

Not every one has the same ribbon, I liked the idea of changing it all up.

And on this little gift I thought it was so hard to wrap and looking at it again I decided it just needed the ribbons on it. It looks perfect.

I love how it all came together and I cannot wait for hubby to unwrap it all.

What are you buying for your fathers this year? And what are you plans?
I plan to celebrate just us four today for a special day out and Sunday at my in-laws. My amazing special dad doesn't live here, I do miss him terribly tho and I think of him the whole day.

So happy wrapping my friends and lets spoil these wonderful men!

Tanya xo

Happy Friday

Yay for Friday!! Hello my blogger friends and how are you all today?

What a wonderful week it has been!!

Beautiful flowers around this little house.

And we cant forget the pretties inside the house! I LOVE fresh flowers.

We walked in some shiny shoes! To much love for these.

Fresh white linens, sweet dreams where definitely had.

And a reveal of a easy new lamp.... the bright colors made us very happy.

Some reading, relaxing and party planning.

And now I look forward to a family packed weekend and most importantly to Fathers Day on Sunday and we welcome in the month of September one of my favorite months of the year!!!!

Enjoy this gorgeous day my friends! Chat tomorrow about wrapping those gifts for our special men.

Tanya xo

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Pretty home made lamp shade!

Happy Thursday! Yay it is almost the weekend....happy dances all around.

So today I wanted to share with you a lamp I made for my little Miss M.
We had the smaller white one in here before,

but I just felt like it was a bit to tiny and with such a big desk she needed something with color and bigger.

So I have searched and searched and nothing caught my eye, so with a lamp in the garage and some extra pretty material I decided I would try my hand at making one myself.

I have tried this before and it just never worked but this time I was determined.

And here it is, what do you think?

It was not as hard as I had thought and I love how it looks!!!

It feels like the whole desk it more alive now and I love the color it has given to the whole room.

And most importantly Miss M loves it as much as me.

Yay for the pretty 'new' lamp!

Have a lovely and happy day my friends.

Tanya xo

Monday, 26 August 2013

Happy Tuesday

HAPPY HAPPY TUESDAY! my blogger friends! And how you all today?
So today I was walking around my little home and I just felt so happy, why you ask? Well just for a few reasons, one I feel so blessed to be a stay at home and I get to enjoy so many wonderful things with my beautiful children, after having a working mom growing up I am absorbing every second I get of this.
Also that I have so much, it might not seem like a lot but it is a lot more than others have a I feel like we are so blessed.

And then I walked around to look at just else made me feel this jolly,

This is so true, it takes nothing to be kind, smile and just love the family and friends around us and we will feel these wonderful feelings back.

Second I had a cup of tea outside on our deck and I just love all our new little flowers, the color just makes us all to happy.

Simple things like this we need to take in and enjoy!

A old watering can and my pink flowers, I LOVE!!

Then inside I am loving my clean white sheets layering with white bed covers! My heart is happy, makes me want to curl back up in here.

And 5 minutes quiet time to catch up on some reading and looking for some inspirations for a very small special persons birthday next month, the reason September is one of my favorite months of the year!!!

What has made you happy today? Maybe this gorgeous spring weather? No big jackets, thongs on the cool breeze and the warm sun?

Have a very happy and lovely day my friends!

Tanya xo

P.S. I also am thinking that my comments are now working, so please feel free to comment, I hope it works. x

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Menu Planning


I hope that you all had a lovely weekend! We celebrated our little nephews first birthday and my sister in law did a fantastic job!! It was a very fun day.

So today we are talking about menu planning. I find this works so well for our little family.
I sit and write down everything that we are going to eat for each day, I even try and make it look pretty with color so that I can get excited about the whole procedure as I love to shop but not for food as much.

 I like to look threw a few of my recipe books and get some inspirations for something different when I can.
I know it is hard when we have little kids and for working moms but it is nice to do it once and while, and it also helps us out for some ideas!!! Cause it is very hard to cook WHATEVER!

Use different colors pens for each day so you can really work out what is what when you write your shopping list. 
One big shop weekly I find saves me on time at the shops and also money. How much more things do we pick up when we just going for milk and bread???

I also write down recipes I get from family and friends and I often go back to them, especially my family favorites. 
This pretty book was a gift and I adore it, the bind is strong lots of paper and it looks so lovely too.

I hope that you all are able to start menu planning and you find it as easy as I do.
Do you have any tips for us all?

On another note, starting this blog has been so exciting for me and a HUGE thank you to everyone for your response. I am still trying to sort it all out, I know comments are not working etc. but it is all under construction if you can call it that.
I am sorry it does seem all a bit disorganised( which I do not like ) but I am hoping it all comes together soon.
I have added a link which takes you right up to our Facebook page so please click in like us and follow me on there for extra pictures and chats!!
And please go in at the bottom of the page click onto full version and you can see my whole page... then if you would like add your email address and the new updates will be emailed to you everyday!!
Thank you for your patience and your time to read my blog!!

Have a very happy happy day my friends!!

Tanya xo

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Happy Friday hope you all having a lovely day! Any weekend plans?

So today I wanted to show you how we keep our fridge organised and clean.
Fridays in Our Little Home are very busy days. I like to give the whole house a good clean, change the bed sheets and do my groceries so the weekends I can spend all my time with my family.

I do believe that fridges should be cleaned every week, wiped down and organised and trust me if you do it every week it doesn't take long at all. The most important thing too is that you get rid of old food and you can replace it all with fresh yummy things!

We have a tiny fridge( that is what you get when you order things online from overseas!!) so we have to keep it very organised to fit all our foods inside.

I love our snack basket. It holds our yogurts and custards and any other snacks that we may eat. I love it in the basket so when I wipe it I can just take out the basket, EASY!

Some fresh washed fruit in this basket makes it nice and easy for the kids to grab a snack.

Our drinks on the middle level. And I do label our shelves, I suppose it is not necessary but I just love my label maker so much.

Fresh fruit and Vegetables. This is the most important basket to wash every week and throw out old foods.

All our cheeses.

Milks and Sauces along the fridge. I wipe them down too and the tops of the sauces after each use.

And there all done, I do LOVE Fridays, the whole house clean and knowing I have my family home my whole heart is very happy!!

And this Friday is extra special as it is Daffodil Day! 

The money we buy these beautiful flowers will go towards the research to find a cure for cancer.

I bought my daffodils for my lovely mom who I lost to cancer last year. My heart aches for her everyday ( it doesn't get easy people who say this to me didn't have the relationship like I did with my mom).

So go out and buy a bunch so we can fight this terrible disease!!

Tanya xo

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Under the sink

Happy Thursday my blogger friends and a happy day to you all!!
We had book week this week and my little fairy went as a witch today, she was so excited and so was I.
I love that I can do all of these fun things with my kids, it is nice to go to extra mile and make it even more fun for them. The whole school looked amazing and all the children went all out. Lots of fun.

So today I wanted to share what under our kitchen sink looks like. We are very lucky to have a dish washer so we use that all the time, but I still like to keep all of my washing things for the odd dishes handy.

These are my favorite kitchen cleaning products. The sponges and the cloths are all scratch free which I love.

And this is it under the sink. I love my little sink bucket.

I use my own homemade cleaning spray, I try and stay away from the chemicals as much as I can.

My gloves, cloth, sponges and my brush stay in here.

And our dishwash liquid is the earth friendly.

Just a simple and quick round up of under our sink. We don't have anything else under here just this, simple clean perfect!!!

Hope you all having a wonderful day

Tanya xo

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How do you organise your napkins and tea towels?

HAPPY WEDNESDAY!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! It has gotten a bit chilly here the last few days in Sydney! So more indoors and more time to organise!!

I have been asked what my hobby is and I have no doubt it is organising. I absolutely love the idea of going threw my cupboards and home and just organising it.

So today I did our napkins, place mats, table clothes, aprons and tea towels.

So here is our cupboard. We have our tables clothes folded up and our aprons rolled up on the top shelf.

I like to use baskets for our napkins and placemats so when we use them we can take the basket out and choose what we need and then put it back, and it looks neat and pretty.

And our tea towels. I read a very interesting fact about tea towels. They can get very dirty and can become very unhygienic and that we should use a new one everyday and separate ones for dishes and our hands. And they are all to be washed separately from your regular washing in hot water.
I have even seen some homes have the days embroidered on them, such a clever idea.

I have a few different ones in this IKEA basket, I even go as far as to buy new ones every month to make sure we keep the house extra clean!! They can also get a bit grotty and we are using them in our kitchen.

                    So here is where I keep our tea towel basket.

This took me a few minutes to tidy up organise and  I was so happy to do it cause I feel like my kitchen is really coming together and it makes me very happy inside!!!

Have a very wonderful and happy day my friends!

Tanya xo