Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Red bench

Happy Tuesday! and I hope that everyone is having a lovely day. It has been a busy day with our school athletics carnival and swimming after that, but a very fun and exciting day overall.
Miss M is in the blue house and they not only won the Cheer Trophy but the Spirit Trophy too! So big smiles all around as they are the best awards to win.
I love the school Miss M is in, the parents are lovely and they all come together on days like this and make the day even more special, our children are all so lucky and well us parents so blessed with beautiful children like this.

So yesterday I showed a peek on my Instagram ( follow me on ourlittlehome16 ) and our Facebook page    ( like us on Our Little Home ) about a red bench.

Our entrance chair was plain black, not a very welcoming or happy color at all and I just needed to give it some life. So out came the spray paint and I got to work.

This lovely chair looked so much better and I loved the red!!

 And here it is, the whole space looks amazing and it makes me even happier to have arrived home!!

I love this space but I do think it needs some height of a little tree in a pot?? A good excuse to head down to our local flower shop.

And here I love the continuation of the red from the outside to the inside, it creates a happy flow!

I love the spray paint and how it goes on, closer it may not seem as perfect but that is okay cause our home is not, I am not a perfect painter by no means but I do try my best and put my full heart into it.

Thanks lovely ladies I am off I have a date with new House & Garden!


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