Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Handbag Organisation

Hello and Happy Wednesday! What a lovely day we are having here and I hope you are too.

So I wanted to share my handbag organisation with with and why I feel it is so important to keep a tidy, clean and neat handbag.

So have you ever got to the check out to pay and you are trying to find your cards? Money? Coins? And rummaging threw toys , old tissues, slips and the kids old food? I am sure we have all been threw this at one stage in our lives. But now my kidlets are older I have things in a better manner and my life is a lot more organised.

I wanted to share how easy it is to keep your handbag a lot more organized and pretty.

So I made sure I have a purse that has many card holders and two sections for money and vouchers.

Try and make sure all your vouchers, coupons and flybys are in order of the dates that they can be used so that you are not trying to find the right one at the check out and the other customers are giving you the evil eye.

I like to have a loose coin purse for my smaller coins as well as my main big purse.

My little vanity bag is a MUST in your handbag and it all being in a bag makes it a lot easier to keep your handbag tidy and a lot hander for you to have all your goodies in one stop.

I like to keep tissues, lip gloss, lip balm, hand cream, hand sanitiser and a spare hair elastic.

And here is the inside of my bag, purse, coin purse, vanity bag, my material shopping bag ( save the enviroment!) and I carry something to read.

I love my handbag and it makes me so happy that it looks like this!!

Hope you all having a very happy and wonderful day!

Tanya xo

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