Saturday, 12 October 2013

Liebster Award

Happy Weeeknd my friends.
So today I wanted to share with you something I was so excited about on Friday. Jeanette from JDZ Designs nominated me for the Liebster Award. This is a great way for for new bloggers to get more readers and to get to know the blogger behind the the posts.

I was so excited as I don't think my little blog should have been mentioned as I am so new to all of this and still trying to set up my page but A HUGE THANK YOU  to Jeanette for nominating me.

So I now will answer 11 questions from Jeanette :

1. What is your favourite colour and why?

I actually have two, a nice bubble pink and apple green, they both make me so happy.

2. If you could be a 18 year old again, what would you do?
I was getting ready for my uni days and I would have chosen a different career path.

3. What inspires you?

Loosing my mom at a young age and so suddenly has inspired me to live my life to the full, I am so blessed with the life God has given me and I want to make the most of it.

4. What are you listening to right now? 

My children and husband playing and giggling my favorite sound.

5. Winter or Summer? Pick a side!

Oh it has to be summer, what is there not to love, bright colors, gorgeous home decor and clothes, days at the beach and the sounds of birds and color in garden! I love it.

6. If you had to have dinner with one celebrity who would it be and why? 

I love Tori Spelling, I love her blog and get so inspired by her party planning, her home interior and just her over talent so yes this is who I would pick and I would not stop talking!!!

7. When I hear the word creative, what is the first thing you think about? 

Bright colors!

8. Who is your favourite Superhero? 

I would have to say Superman

9. If you were stuck on an Island and were only allowed three things, what would they be? 

Water, my home magazine and my ipad ( got to keep up with my blogs! )

10. You are looking forward to Christmas because...? 

I can not wait for Christmas as my Dad and Brother will be coming to visit, anyone who knows who live away from their families that it is the hardest thing ever! So when I see them come threw that door my heart will be filled up and my Christmas will be complete!
Oh and to decorate my house! Christmas is my favorite season you know :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my answer! I enjoyed doing it so much.
I hope you would like to become a follower on my blog and follow my blogging journey with me.

Tanya xo

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