Thursday, 3 October 2013

Reading Corner

Happy Friday and yay for the weekend!! I am so excited cause it is a long weekend here in Australia and I can't wait to do some lovely family things and just spend the weekend together.

So today I wanted to share my kids reading corners in their rooms. I often can't hear anything and I go and check and they are both buried in a book, I love it as it is so important to read.

So the spaces I made for them in their rooms were so simple and easy and they enjoy having their books at hands reach to enjoy. We have a playroom in the garage so we have a huge bookcase in there and we change the books around in their rooms every week.

So this is Miss M's reading bench. It was already there and I put the books in my Donna Hay basket.

 I have her homework folder in here too so she reads her book for the week from school.

A little cushion and throw to get comfy.

I love this space and I am so happy my little girl loves it.

And my little boys room. He loves his new bookcase and his reading corner.

 We found him this cute little soccer ball chair to sit on, he loves it!

A reading area all set for a little boy.

The reading areas are so simple and easy I do believe it is so important and it encourages my kiddies to get into their books and enjoy the lovely adventures between the pages.

I wish you all a very happy and lovely weekend.

Tanya xo

P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook at Our Little Home and on Instagram at ourlittlehome16

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